Improve progress bar for the 2nd step of connecting to Tor
This didn't make it to our list of top-priority issues. It's a papercut. We should start by adding a text indication and skip the more complex UI transformations initially.
Display the percentage of the progress bar somewhere: !955 (merged) -
Reset the progress bar to zero when direct connection fails and we switch to bridges: -
Consider correlating the progress bar to actual Tor bootstrap phases, rather than being a hourglass until the timeout.
Original report
From #18762 (closed), especially when seeing #19173 (closed).
I wonder if we should improve how the progress is displayed when connecting to Tor.
We divided the progress bar artificially into 2. If I understand correctly:
- The first half is "sign of life" from Tor or early connection
- The second half is the download of the consensus and the setup of circuits
I think that it would be more clear to users (and look better on the screen) if both things had separate progress bar, as if they were 2 different steps.
The second progress bar, which relates to download content, was dead slow on #19173 (closed). If we don't solve #19173 (closed), maybe we should add some more indication of the status of the download in text form. Maybe the network download rate or total downloaded KB so far.