Other resources
To get in touch with the entire Tails Team, you can:
- write to the Schleuder mailing list;
- mention
on GitLab: GitLab will send an email notification about it to every member of the Tails Team, and add it to their To-Do list.
You can encrypt your email with our OpenPGP key (details).
Priorities for 2025
Remediate vulnerabilities identified by security audit and pick low-hanging fruits to avoid repeating past mistakes
Converge workflows and tooling towards Tor's — MUST bundle
- Hand over ticket gardening role to intrigeri (tails#20510)
- Revisit Tails Team Lead / Project Manager arrangements for FY 2025-2026 (tails#20700)
KTLO, including:
- Release Tails 7.0 based on Debian 13 (Trixie)
- Upgrade Tor Browser to new ESR
- Upgrade Thunderbird to new ESR
- Prototype and collaborate on using Arti
Fix long-lasting usability issues (P165 C.1)
- We'll determine which ones when we prioritize UX Debt issues.
Act on feedback received by email and in-app tool, still with a focus on identifying high-impact work (P165 C.2)
- We'll determine in Q1 if this work should have a particular focus in 2025 (in 2024 it was Persistent Storage & partitioning robustness).
Improve test suite robustness, focusing on time sinks (P165 D.1)
Research alternatives to Etcher for Windows; then, if there's a good enough candidate, switch to it
- Goal: Improve the privacy of the Tails installation process
Improve website navigation
Bring the list of UX Debt down way more
- Grant Tor Browser access to files as designated by the user (tails#10422)
- Persistent language and keyboard (tails#5501)
- Tor Connection bundle
- Drop some issues of least priority
Kickstart project to collect the metrics we need in a privacy-preserving manner: potentially a poor-person's version implemented; potentially, have plans e.g. an analysis to get grants with the rest of Tor (so this would happen >= 2026)
- Goal: Enable ourselves to make decisions and evaluate progress based on usage data
Talk with sysadmins about the future of Jenkins (tails#20774)
Improve website onboarding
- Make plans on the big issues (after having installed your first Tails)
- Fix smaller issues
Rename GitLab label: Foundations Team → Tails Team (tails#20746)
- Goal: finish the migration to the new terminology, avoid confusion caused by using obsolete terminology.
Start integrating our doc for contributors with Tor's, identifying other problems in this section along the way (tails#20768)
Develop better interoperability with mobile messaging apps aka. Signal support
Improve story for Persistent Storage backups (tails#20194)
Persistent Storage features (iff. specific crowdfunding)
Finish the initial exploration and prototyping of the automatic verification of Tails downloads
Define 5-years strategy for the Tails product & team in the Tor organization
Converge workflows and tooling towards Tor's - MAY bundle
- Migrate from Schleuder to Mailman
- Migrate from XMPP to IRC (unless we build confidence that TPI will migrate away from IRC by the end of 2026)
Past priorities
- 2024
- priorities were not set, beyond doing the work planned as part of S11
- done in 2024
- 3-year strategy for 2023-2025
This is the big picture. For details about what's happening on the short term, see the board for the upcoming milestone.
Project 165
- Calendar: 2024-12-01 to 2025-11-30
- Wiki page with details
- Kanban Board
2025 Q1
Frontdesk (@boyska) -
Define Tails Team priorities & roadmap for 2025 (tails/tails#20548) -
Wrap up work on Persistent Storage robustness so we can focus on something else in 2025 -
Report earlier errors about the partition table, partition header, and resizing: design, implement, release (tails#20531 (closed)) -
Follow up on "Report earlier errors about the partition table, partition header, and resizing" (tails#20531 (closed)): analyze user feedback, consider making more errors fatal (tails#20705) -
Warn about the danger of unplugging the USB stick on next boot (tails#5760)
Security audit (P165) -
Remediate vulnerabilities identified by security audit (tails#20699) -
Ensure we don't reintroduce the same kind of problems (tails#20711, tails#20719 (closed)) -
Post-mortem about the S11 security audit (tails#20736)
Figure out the scope of our Arti work in 2025 (tails/tails#20735) -
Research alternatives to Etcher for Windows and if there's a good enough candidate, switch to it (tails#20423) (@sajolida) -
Grant Tor Browser access to files as designated by the user (tails#10422) (@anonym) -
Converge workflows and tooling towards Tor's -
Update Tails team roles pages and merge them into 1 single wiki (tails#20598 (closed), tails/tails#20472) -
Improve collaboration with Tor Browser team during their release process (tails#20693 (closed)) -
Hand over ticket gardening role to intrigeri (tails#20510) -
Revisit Tails Team Lead / Project Manager arrangements for FY 2025-2026 (tails#20700)
Help get grant proposals for 2026 ready (tails/tails#20767) (driven by @intrigeri, may need help from others) -
Improve website navigation (tails#20766) (@sajolida) -
Kickstart project to collect the metrics we need in a privacy-preserving manner: potentially a poor-person's version implemented; potentially, have plans e.g. an analysis to get grants with the rest of Tor (so this would happen >= 2026) (@boyska)
Recurring P165 (OTF FOSS Sustainability Fund) work:
- A.2 Prototype and collaborate on using Arti
- B.1 Release management and smaller OS migrations
- C.1 Fix long-lasting usability issues
- C.2 Act on feedback received by email and in-app tool
- D.1 Make the Tails development process more efficient (test suite) (@anonym)
2025 Q2
- Frontdesk (@intrigeri)
- Upgrade to Debian 13 and release 7.0: do the bulk of the porting work (P165) (@intrigeri, @anonym)
- Help get grant proposals for 2026 ready (tails/tails#20767) (driven by @intrigeri, may need help from others)
- Converge workflows and tooling towards Tor's
Revisit Tails Team Lead / Project Manager arrangements for FY 2025-2026 (tails#20700)
- Start integrating our doc for contributors with Tor's, identifying other problems in this section along the way (tails#20768) (@sajolida)
- Recurring P165 (OTF FOSS Sustainability Fund) work
- A.2 Prototype and collaborate on using Arti
- B.1 Release management and smaller OS migrations
- C.1 Fix long-lasting usability issues (@boyska)
- Not prioritized yet, maybe Improve UX when Wi-Fi is not working
- Possibly start Tor Connection bundle if we have spare capacity (@boyska)
- C.2 Act on feedback received by email and in-app tool
- D.1 Make the Tails development process more efficient (test suite) (@anonym)
2025 Q3
- Frontdesk (@intrigeri)
- Upgrade to Debian 13 and release 7.0 (P165):
- Upgrade Tor Browser to ESR 140 (P165) (tails#20770) (@anonym)
- Converge workflows and tooling towards Tor's
- User support parity with other Tor products (tails#20773) (@intrigeri)
- Talk with sysadmins about the future of Jenkins (tails#20774) (@intrigeri)
- Recurring P165 (OTF FOSS Sustainability Fund) work
- A.2 Prototype and collaborate on using Arti (@boyska)
- B.1 Release management and smaller OS migrations
- C.1 Fix long-lasting usability issues
- Tor Connection bundle (@intrigeri some of it?)
- C.2 Act on feedback received by email and in-app tool
- D.1 Make the Tails development process more efficient (test suite) (@anonym)
2025 Q4
- Frontdesk
- Upgrade to Debian 13 and release 7.0 (P165):
- Coordination (@boyska)
- Release
- Post-release feedback & fixes
- Upgrade Tor Browser to new ESR (P165) (tails#20771) (@anonym)
- Upgrade Thunderbird to new ESR (P165) (tails#20772) (@anonym)
- Converge workflows and tooling towards Tor's
- User support parity with other Tor products (tails#20773) (@intrigeri)
- Improve website onboarding (tails#20777) (@sajolida)
- Recurring P165 (OTF FOSS Sustainability Fund) work — until the end of November
- A.2 Prototype and collaborate on using Arti
- B.1 Release management and smaller OS migrations
- C.1 Fix long-lasting usability issues
- Persist keyboard and language (tails#5501)
- C.2 Act on feedback received by email and in-app tool
- D.1 Make the Tails development process more efficient (test suite) (@anonym)