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Test suite: make pause() verbosely run pry in the caller's context

anonym requested to merge pry-into-callers-context into stable

This makes pause() print the context it was called from, for example:

From: /home/anonym/src/tails/tails/features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:444 Object#the_computer_boots:

    432: def the_computer_boots
    433:   enter_boot_menu_cmdline
    434:   boot_key = @os_loader == 'UEFI' ? 'F10' : 'Return'
    435:   early_patch = config_bool('EARLY_PATCH') ? ' early_patch=umount' : ''
    436:   extra_boot_options = $config['EXTRA_BOOT_OPTIONS'] || ''
    437:   wait_for_remote_shell = @wait_for_remote_shell ? 'autotest_wait_for_remote_shell' : ''
    438:   @screen.type(' autotest_never_use_this_option ' \
    439:                ' blacklist=psmouse' \
    440:                " #{wait_for_remote_shell}" \
    441:                " #{early_patch} #{@boot_options} #{extra_boot_options}",
    442:                [boot_key])
    443:   $vm.wait_until_remote_shell_is_up(5 * 60)
 => 444:   pause
    445: end

and the REPL operates in the caller's context (binding) so we can access local variables:

[1] pry(#<Object>)> boot_key
=> "Return"

Closes: #20305 (closed)

Edited by anonym

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