Make tor-controlport-filter reusable
Originally created by @winterfairy on #6742 (Redmine)
We want to modify “tor-controlport-filter” so that the listening port and paths to the control port socket and authentication cookie can be passed in as commandline arguments, overriding the defaults.
This would make it possible for other projects similar to Tails to reuse this control port filter.
The best way to do this seems to be using the “argparse” module that was introduced in Python 2.7. This will be possible when Tails is based on Wheezy, and that will happen soon enough that using the deprecated “optparse” module available in Python 2.6 is not worth the implementation effort.
Feature Branch: feature/7870-include_onionshare
Related issues
- Related to #9001 (closed)
- Related to #6788 (closed)
Blocked by #6015 (closed) -
Blocked by #6384 (closed) -
Blocked by #11542 (closed) -
Blocked by #11826 (closed) -
Blocked by #7870 (closed)
Edited by winterfairy