Integrate USB image in the release process
Originally created by @Anonymous on #15999 (Redmine)
Review & rubber-duck: kibi (3h)
This includes at least:
adjust manual test suite-
what about UDFs? the full upgrade path only includes the ISOit’s not used anyway so we don’t care, see details in 2d7cf8ac upload to iso-archiveupload to rsync server2 torrent fileswiki/src/inc/*
as requested by doc writers, see #16163 (closed)-
IDF:adapt IDF generationgit grep install/v1
coordinate v1 vs. v2 IDF generation (both for some time?) with the release of the updated Verification Extension + the Installation Assistant version check for that extension
- probably more stuff that we’ll discover along the way
Feature Branch: doc/15999-integrate-usb-image-in-the-release-process
Parent Task: #15292 (closed)
Related issues
Blocked by #16163 (closed) -
Blocked by #16112 (closed)
Edited by Anonymous