Remove gconf
Originally created by @anonym on #12738 (Redmine)
See #12608 (comment 44739) for arnaud’s diffoscope report. There are also
:s for the good ISO, and for arnaud’s.
The files in question are /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree-*.xml
(88 files for various locales). Example diff:
├── /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree-af.xml
│ │ @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
│ │ <?xml version="1.0"?>
│ │ <gconf>
│ │ <dir name="schemas">
│ │ <dir name="system">
│ │ + <dir name="smb">
│ │ + <entry name="workgroup">
│ │ + <local_schema short_desc="SMB-werkgroep">
│ │ + </local_schema>
│ │ + </entry>
│ │ + </dir>
│ │ <dir name="proxy">
│ │ <entry name="autoconfig_url">
│ │ <local_schema short_desc="Outomatiese instaanopstelling-URL">
│ │ <longdesc>URL wat instaanopstellingswaardes verskaf.</longdesc>
│ │ </local_schema>
│ │ </entry>
│ │ <entry name="socks_port">
│ │ @@ -76,20 +82,14 @@
│ │ </entry>
│ │ <entry name="use_http_proxy">
│ │ <local_schema short_desc="Gebruik HTTP-instaanbediener">
│ │ <longdesc>Aktiveer die instaanopstelling wanneer toegang tot HTTP oor die internet verkry word.</longdesc>
│ │ </local_schema>
│ │ </entry>
│ │ </dir>
│ │ - <dir name="smb">
│ │ - <entry name="workgroup">
│ │ - <local_schema short_desc="SMB-werkgroep">
│ │ - </local_schema>
│ │ - </entry>
│ │ - </dir>
│ │ </dir>
│ │ <dir name="desktop">
│ │ <dir name="gnome">
│ │ <dir name="url-handlers">
│ │ <dir name="h323">
│ │ <entry name="needs_terminal">
│ │ <local_schema short_desc="Laat die program in 'n terminaal loop">
Feature Branch: tails:feature/12738-remove-gconf greeter:feature/12738-remove-gconf
Parent Task: #5630 (closed)
Related issues
- Blocks #13625 (closed)
Edited by anonym