Publicly announce the removal of I2P
Originally created by @anonym on #12265 (Redmine)
Make users aware of this so they won’t be surprised in Tails 2.12
- Mention it in the top of the release notes of Tails 2.11 (“We are sad to have to announce that this is the last Tails release including I2P…”).
- In Tails 2.11, when booting with I2P enabled, show a notification when the desktop has started.
Use these bad news in the search for a new I2P maintainer in Tails
- Make #12264 (closed) into an easy introduction point (i.e. list all requirements) for anyone interested in picking up I2P in Tails again.
- Extra announcement on Twitter pointing to #12264 (closed).
- Ask zzz to reteweet (although he already have announced this.
Related issues
- Related to #12263 (closed)
Blocked by #12266 (closed)
Edited by anonym