Test suite calls undefined save_pcap_file method in " the network device has its default MAC address configured"
Originally created by @intrigeri on #11698 (Redmine)
calling as root: . /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/hardware.sh && get_all_ethernet_nics
call returned: [0, "eth0\n", ""]
Then 1 network interface is enabled # features/step_definitions/mac_spoofing.rb:75
calling as root: . /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/hardware.sh && get_all_ethernet_nics
call returned: [0, "eth0\n", ""]
calling as root: . /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/hardware.sh && get_all_ethernet_nics
call returned: [0, "eth0\n", ""]
calling as root: . /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/hardware.sh && get_current_mac_of_nic eth0
call returned: [0, "50:54:00:ce:30:6d\n", ""]
And the network device has its default MAC address configured # features/step_definitions/mac_spoofing.rb:11
undefined local variable or method `save_pcap_file' for #<Object:0x000000091d2e10> (NameError)
./features/step_definitions/mac_spoofing.rb:28:in `/^the network device has (its default|a spoofed) MAC address configured$/'
features/mac_spoofing.feature:19:in `And the network device has its default MAC address configured'
And the real MAC address was leaked # features/step_definitions/mac_spoofing.rb:34
Scenario failed at time 02:27:30
Perhaps we should instead call:
… as we do in other parts of the test suite?
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri