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  • anonym's avatar
    Leverage AppArmor's in-kernel solution for determining executable paths. · ec31cf6f
    anonym authored
    Using /proc/pid/cmdline is not secure since it can be trivially set
    with, for instance:
        exec -a "pwned" sh -c 'cat /proc/$$/cmdline'
    The /proc/pid/exe symlink is not good enough for scripts (since it will
    point to the interpreter, not the script) so let's instead use
    AppArmor's in-kernel solution for determining executable paths. We
    fallback to /proc/pid/exe for unconfined processes, which leaves us with
    only unconfined scripts not being supported by tor-controlport-filter.
    However, profiles in complain mode is still good enough, so a trivial
    stub profile in complain mode is enough, which is exactly what we do for
    onionshare and onioncircuits.