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  • anonym's avatar
    Stop testing obsolete pluggable transports. · c39ae42e
    anonym authored
    We are in the process of using Chutney to set up all bridges we are
    going to use ourselves, so let's KISS a bit and settle with testing:
    1. Old-school bridges, since they are easy to set up (all you need is
       Tor itself), still defeats simple censorship (e.g. when the Tor
       network is blocked by IP, and no DPI is involved) and chutney has a
       template for them any way.
    2. The recommended and latest and greatest pluggable transports, which
       at the moment is obfs4 in Tails. Chutney does not have any
       templates for any pluggable transports, so we'll have to cook them
       up ourselves.