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  • intrigeri's avatar
    Avoid 2 minutes delay while rebooting after applying an automatic upgrade (refs: #17026) · 9eb4be6f
    intrigeri authored
    Otherwise, for some reason user@1000.service can't be stopped while rebooting
    after applying an upgrade until the default 2 minutes timeout is reached:
      A stop job is running for User Manager for UID 1000 (x / 2 min)
    I suspect that's because the Upgrader is running via sudo as another
    user, so the amnesia user's systemd instance is not allowed to kill it
    and as a result, the entire session is left in running state.
    OTOH this problem does not happen when the persistence setup wizard
    or the Unsafe Brower is left running before rebooting; that's perhaps
    because they don't run as systemd units.