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  • intrigeri's avatar
    Revert "Also install the syslinux 32-bit UEFI boot loader." · 11f460d5
    intrigeri authored
    This reverts commit 441892f6197efbe014cfb54fc6f9d43ed7e425bb.
    The two 32-bit UEFI systems I've tried booting on only support the fallback UEFI
    path, that's not an option for us with 32-bit syslinux UEFI, as explained in the
    commit we're presently reverting.
    I also tried, and failed, to convince GRUB2 installed in the fallback location
    (EFI/BOOT/bootia32.efi) to chainload into 32-bit syslinux UEFI.
    So I'm giving up with using syslinux for 32-bit UEFI.
    Refs: #8471