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#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
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# This filter proxy allows fine-grained access allowlists of commands
# (and their argunents) and events on a per-application basis, stored
# in:
#     /etc/onion-grater.d/
# that are pretty self-explanatory as long as you understand the Tor
# ControlPort language. The format is expressed in YAML where the
# top-level is supposed to be a list, where each element is a
# dictionary looking something like this:
#       apparmor-profiles:
#         - path_to_executable_if_that_is_the_name_of_the_apparmor_profile
#         # or
#         - explicit_apparmor_profile_name
#         - user
#         ...
#         - host
#         command:
#       confs:
#         conf:
#           - conf_arg_rule
#         event:
#           event_option: event_option_value
#           ...
# `name` (optional) is a string which gives an internal name, useful
# for debugging. When not given, filters will default to the name of
# the file (excluding extension) they were read from (so there can be
# duplicates!). It is advisable to define one filter per file, and
# give helpful filenames instead of using this field.
# A filter is matched if for each of the relevant qualifiers at
# least one of the elements match the client. For local (loopback)
# clients the following qualifiers are relevant:
# * `apparmor-profiles`: a list of strings, each being the name
#   of the AppArmor profile applied to the binary or script of the client,
#   with `*` matching anything. While this matcher always works for binaries,
#   it only works for scripts with an enabled AppArmor profile (not
#   necessarily enforced, complain mode is good enough).
# * `users`: a list of strings, each describing the user of the
#   client with `*` matching anything.
# For remote (non-local) clients, the following qualifiers are
# relevant:
# * hosts: a list of strings, each describing the IPv4 address
#   of the client with `*` matching anything.
# A filter can serve both local and remote clients by having
# qualifiers of both types.
# `commands` (optional) is a list where each item is a dictionary with
# the obligatory `pattern` key, which is a regular expression that is
# matched against the full argument part of the command. The default
# behavior is to just proxy the line through if matched, but it can be
# altered with these keys:
# * `replacement`: this rewrites the arguments. The value is a Python
#   format string (str.format()) which will be given the match groups
#   from the match of `pattern`. The rewritten command is then proxied
#   without the need to match any rule. There are also some special
#   patterns that will be replaced as follows:
#   - {client-address}: the client's IP address
#   - {client-port}: the client's port
#   - {server-address}: the server's IP address
#   - {server-port}: the server's (listening) port
# * `response`: a list of dictionaries, where the `pattern` and
#   `replacement` keys work exactly as for commands arguments, but now
#   for the response. Note that this means that the response is left
#   intact if `pattern` doesn't match it, and if many `pattern`:s
#   match, only the first one (in the order listed) will trigger a
#   replacement.
# If a simple regex (as string) is given, it is assumed to be the
# `pattern` which allows a short-hand for this common type of rule.
# Note that to allow a command to be run without arguments, the empty
# string must be explicitly given as a `pattern`. Hence, an empty
# argument list does not allow any use of the command.
# `confs` (optional) is a dictionary, and it's just syntactic sugar to
# generate GETCONF/SETCONF rules. If a key exists, GETCONF of the
# keyname is allowed, and if it has a non-empty list as value, those
# values are allowed to be set. The empty string means that resetting
# it is allowed. This is very useful for applications that like to
# SETCONF on multiple configurations at the same time.
# `events` (optional) is a dictionary where the key represents the
# event. If a key exists the event is allowed. The value is another
# dictionary of options:
# * `suppress`: a boolean determining whether we should just fool the
#   client that it has subscribed to the event (i.e. the client
#   request is not filtered) while we suppress them.
# * `response`: a dictionary, where the `pattern` and `replacement`
#   keys work exactly as for `response` for commands, but now for the
#   events.
# `tor-browser-mode` (optional) is a boolean, and should only ever be
# set if the client is Tor Browser since it is highly dependent on its
# particular implementation of control port communication and
# stream/circuit tracking. The purpose of this option is to prevent
# Tor Browser from learning anything about circuits or streams used by
# other processes using Tor, so it only has that information about its
# "own" circuits and streams (which is sufficient for its purposes,
# e.g. the circuit view). To achieve this we do the following:
# * STREAM events: when one is received it is only accepted if its
#   source address is the same as the client's, in which case we
#   consider that stream to be "owned" by Tor Browser, otherwise it is
#   dropped. We keep track of the id:s of these streams and drop them
#   once we see the stream close.
# * CIRC events: we drop all such events with one exception (below)
#   which makes Tor Browser fall back to polling with `getinfo
#   circuit-status` (i.e. how it worked before Tor Browser 13). The
#   reason we do this is very technical, and is detailed here:
#   -
#   The exception mentioned above is that we allow all CIRC CLOSED
#   events through after stripping all information except their ID (so
#   we don't leak which nodes were used etc). This is required for Tor
#   Browser to clear its internal tracking of circuits, otherwise it
#   would keep outdated info indefinitely (which nodes the circuit
#   consists of) and incorrectly reuse it in the future if the same
#   circuit id is reused. (Implementation detail: this is much simpler
#   than the ideal solution where we only let through CIRC CLOSED
#   events for circuits Tor Browser owns, which would require tracking
#   circuits like we do streams and also handling several racy
#   situations. Since we strip information the only leak that remains
#   is the timing of when circuits close.)
# * getinfo circuit-status: in the response we only include circuits
#   that are used by the streams "owned" by Tor Browser.
# Below we describe in detail how all this comes together:
# 1. Tor Browser subscribes to both CIRC and STREAM events, filtered
#    by onion-grater
# 2. Let's say circuit n is built, so a "CIRC n BUILT" event is
#    intercepted by onion-grater on its way to Tor Browser and dropped
#    since it is not a "CIRC CLOSED" event
# 3. Later Tor Browser makes some network request so tor opens a
#    stream, which happens to be attached to circuit n, and a STREAM
#    event is sent
# 4. onion-grater determines that Tor Browser "owns" the STREAM event,
#    so it forwards it to Tor Browser
# 5. Tor Browser notices that circuit n which is referenced in the
#    STREAM event is unknown, so it polls with `getinfo
#    circuit-status`
# 6. onion-grater intercepts `getinfo circuit-status` but will include
#    circuit n since it is used by a stream owned by Tor Browser
#    (which we learned in step 4)
# 7. Tor Browser gets the response and now knows about circuit n so it
#    accepts the STREAM event, and now it can display the circuit view
#    for the corresponding browser tab
# 8. Eventually, after Tor Browser is done with the stream and tor
#    decides to close circuit n, a "CIRC n CLOSED" is issued,
#    onion-grater forwards it to Tor Browser after dropping all
#    identifying information from it, and Tor Browser stops tracking
#    circuit n
import argparse
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import re
import socket
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import socketserver
import struct
import textwrap
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import psutil
import stem
import stem.control
import stem.connection
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import yaml
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from typing import Optional

DEFAULT_COOKIE_PATH = '/run/tor/control.authcookie'
# How often (in seconds) we check whether we've lost the tor
# controller connection.

class NoRewriteMatch(RuntimeError):
    Error when no matching rewrite rule was found but one was expected.
def log(msg):
    print(msg, file=sys.stderr)

def pid_of_laddr(address):
        return next(conn for conn in psutil.net_connections()
                    if conn.laddr == address).pid
    except StopIteration:
        return None

    # Here we leverage AppArmor's in-kernel solution for determining
    # the exact executable invoked. Looking at /proc/pid/exe when an
    # interpreted script is running will just point to the
    # interpreter's binary, which is not fine-grained enough, but
    # AppArmor will be aware of which script is running for processes
    # using one of its profiles. However, we fallback to /proc/pid/exe
    # in case there is no AppArmor profile, so the only unsupported
    # mode here is unconfined scripts.
    enabled_aa_profile_re = r'^(.+) \((?:complain|enforce)\)$'
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    with open(f'/proc/{pid}/attr/current', "rb") as fh:
        aa_profile_status = str(, 'UTF-8')
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        apparmor_profile_match = re.match(
        if apparmor_profile_match:
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        return psutil.Process(pid).exe()
def get_ip_address(ifname):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
        0x8915,  # SIOCGIFADDR
        struct.pack('256s', bytes(ifname[:15], 'utf-8'))

class FilteredControlPortProxySession:
    Class used to deal with a single session, delegated from the handler
    (FilteredControlPortProxyHandler). Its main job is proxying the traffic
    between the client and the real control port, blocking or rewriting
    it as dictated by the filter rule set.

    # Limit the length of a line, to prevent DoS attacks trying to
    # crash this filter proxy by sending infinitely long lines.
    MAX_LINESIZE = 10*1024

    def __init__(self, handler):
        self.allowed_commands = handler.allowed_commands
        self.allowed_events = handler.allowed_events
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        self.client_address: tuple[str, int] = handler.client_address
        self.client_pid: Optional[int] = handler.client_pid
        self.controller = handler.controller
        self.debug_log = handler.debug_log
        self.filter_name = handler.filter_name
        self.reconnect_controller = handler.connect_to_real_control_port
        self.tor_browser_mode = handler.tor_browser_mode
        self.request = handler.request
        self.server_address = handler.server_address
        self.wfile = handler.wfile
        self.client_streams = set()
        self.subscribed_event_listeners = []
    def debug_log_send(self, line):
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        if GLOBAL_ARGS.print_responses:
            self.debug_log(line, format_multiline=True, sep=': <- ')
    def debug_log_recv(self, line):
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        if GLOBAL_ARGS.print_requests:
            self.debug_log(line, format_multiline=True, sep=': -> ')
    def debug_log_rewrite(self, kind, old, new):
        if kind not in ['command', 'received event', 'response'] or \
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           (kind == 'command' and not GLOBAL_ARGS.print_responses) or \
           (kind in ['received event', 'response']
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            and not GLOBAL_ARGS.print_requests):
        if new != old:
            old = textwrap.indent(old.strip(), ' '*4)
            new = textwrap.indent(new.strip(), ' '*4)
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            self.debug_log(f"rewrote {kind}:\n{old}\nto:\n{new}",
    def respond(self, line, raw=False):
        if line.isspace():
        self.wfile.write(bytes(line, 'ascii'))
        if not raw:
            self.wfile.write(bytes("\r\n", 'ascii'))
    def get_rule(self, cmd, arg_str):
        allowed_args = self.allowed_commands.get(cmd, [])
        return next((rule for rule in allowed_args
                     if re.match(rule['pattern'] + "$", arg_str)), None)
    def proxy_line(self, line, args_rewriter=None, response_rewriter=None, retry=False):
        if args_rewriter:
            new_line = args_rewriter(line)
            self.debug_log_rewrite('command', line, new_line)
            response = self.controller.msg(line.strip()).raw_content()
        except (stem.SocketClosed, stem.SocketError):
            if retry:
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            self.proxy_line(line, args_rewriter, response_rewriter, retry=True)
            new_response = response_rewriter(response)
            self.debug_log_rewrite('response', response, new_response)
            response = new_response
        self.respond(response, raw=True)
    def filter_line(self, line):
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        self.debug_log(f"command filtered: {line}")
        self.respond("510 Command filtered")

    def rewrite_line(self, replacers, line):
        builtin_replacers = {
            'client-address': self.client_address[0],
            'client-port':    str(self.client_address[1]),
            'server-address': self.server_address[0],
            'server-port':    str(self.server_address[1]),
        terminator = ''
        if line[-2:] == "\r\n":
            terminator = "\r\n"
            line = line[:-2]
        for r in replacers:
            match = re.match(r['pattern'] + "$", line)
            if match:
                return r['replacement'].format(
                    *match.groups(), **builtin_replacers
                ) + terminator
    def rewrite_matched_line(self, replacers, line):
            return self.rewrite_line(replacers, line)
    def rewrite_matched_lines(self, replacers, lines):
        split_lines = lines.strip().split("\r\n")
        return "\r\n".join([self.rewrite_matched_line(replacers, line)
                            for line in split_lines]) + "\r\n"
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    def is_my_stream(self, stream: -> bool:
        if self.client_pid is not None:
            # PID-based matching is racy and inherently insecure,
            # so we don't allow tor-browser-modex
            return False
        if self.client_address[0] == stream.source_address:
            return True
        return False

    def my_streams(self):
        # One could be tempted to implement this by just filtering out
        # the results from get_stream() with is_my_stream(), but the
        # streams in get_stream() only contain the info we need
        # (e.g. source address) when its status is NEW or NEWRESOLVE,
        # so we can only keep track of this by monitoring stream
        # events, as we do in event_cb().
        return [s for s in self.controller.get_streams() if in self.client_streams]

    def my_circuits(self):
        # We de-duplicate the circuit IDs because get_circuit(id) will
        # return a new object each call.
        my_circuit_ids = {s.circ_id for s in self.my_streams() if s.circ_id is not None}
        my_circuits = list()
        for i in my_circuit_ids:
            except ValueError:
                # There is a race: after calling my_streams() one of
                # the streams could have its circuit close, so when we
                # call get_circuit() on its ID stem raises this
                # exception, since the circuit doesn't exist any more.
        return my_circuits
    def event_cb(self, event, event_rewriter=None):
        if self.tor_browser_mode and not GLOBAL_ARGS.disable_filtering:
            if isinstance(event,
                if not in self.client_streams:
                    if event.status not in [stem.StreamStatus.NEW,
                    if self.is_my_stream(event):
                        if GLOBAL_ARGS.debug:
                            self.debug_log('dropped restricted stream event: ' +
                elif event.status in [stem.StreamStatus.FAILED,
            elif isinstance(event,
                if event.status == stem.CircStatus.CLOSED:
                    old_event_raw_content = event.raw_content()
                    # We let all CIRC CLOSED events through so Tor
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                    # Browser's internal circuit tracking can clear its
                    # info about this circuit, but we strip all
                    # information to prevent potential leaks.
                    event =
                        f"650 CIRC {} {stem.CircStatus.CLOSED}\r\n"
                    self.debug_log_rewrite('received event',
                    if GLOBAL_ARGS.debug:
                        self.debug_log('dropped restricted circuit event: ' +
        raw_event_content = event.raw_content()
        if event_rewriter:
            new_raw_event_content = event_rewriter(raw_event_content)
                'received event', raw_event_content, new_raw_event_content
            raw_event_content = new_raw_event_content
            if raw_event_content.strip() == '':
        self.respond(raw_event_content, raw=True)
    def update_event_subscriptions(self, events):
        for listener, event in self.subscribed_event_listeners:
            if event not in events:
                self.subscribed_event_listeners.remove((listener, event))
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                if GLOBAL_ARGS.print_responses:
                    self.debug_log(f"unsubscribed from event '{event}'")
                except (stem.SocketClosed, stem.SocketError):
                    # When recovering the controller we'll also
                    # recover the subscriptions recorded in
                    # self.subscribed_event_listeners, so since we
                    # already have dropped event from there, the
                    # failed unsubscription we're dealing with will be
                    # successfully unsubscribed.
        for event in events:
            if any(event == event_ for _, event_ in self.subscribed_event_listeners):
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                if GLOBAL_ARGS.print_responses:
                    self.debug_log(f"already subscribed to event '{event}'")
            rule = self.allowed_events.get(event, {}) or {}
            if not rule.get('suppress', False) or \
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                event_rewriter = None
                if 'response' in rule:
                    replacers = rule['response']
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                    def _event_rewriter(line):
                        return self.rewrite_matched_line(replacers, line)
                    event_rewriter = _event_rewriter
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                def _event_cb(event):
                    self.event_cb(event, event_rewriter=event_rewriter)
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                self.subscribed_event_listeners.append((_event_cb, event))
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                if GLOBAL_ARGS.print_responses:
                    self.debug_log(f"subscribed to event '{event}'")
                        _event_cb, getattr(stem.control.EventType, event)
                except (stem.SocketClosed, stem.SocketError):
                    # See comment above for failed unsubscriptions.
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                if GLOBAL_ARGS.print_responses:
                    self.debug_log(f"suppressed subscription to event '{event}'")

    def recover_controller(self):
        self.debug_log('lost connection to tor, reconnecting...')
        self.controller = self.reconnect_controller()
        self.debug_log('successfully recovered a tor connection!')
        # The only state we carry is about event subscriptions, so we
        # have to set them up again for the new controller
        event_subs = [e for _, e in self.subscribed_event_listeners]
        self.subscribed_event_listeners = []
        self.client_streams = set()

    def get_client_request(self):
        while True:
                # Some clients (e.g. Tor Browser) write their requests
                # byte-by-byte, so we peek ahead and make sure we only
                # read a single, full request.
                peek_ahead = self.request.recv(self.MAX_LINESIZE,
                if peek_ahead == b'':
                    # The client disconnected
                    return peek_ahead
                request_length = peek_ahead.find(b"\n")
                if request_length == -1:
                return self.request.recv(request_length + 1)
            except socket.timeout:
                if not self.controller.is_alive():
    def handle(self):
        while True:
            binary_line = self.get_client_request()
            if binary_line == b'':
                # Deal with clients that close the socket without a QUIT.
            line = str(binary_line, 'ascii')
            if line.isspace():
                self.debug_log('ignoring received empty (or whitespace-only) '
                               + 'line')
            match = re.match(
            if not match:
                self.debug_log("received bad line (escapes made explicit): " +
                # Hopefully the next line is ok...
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            cmd ='cmd')
            cmd_arg_sep ='cmd_arg_sep')
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            arg_str ='arg_str')
            args = arg_str.split()
            cmd = cmd.upper()

            if cmd == "PROTOCOLINFO":
                # Stem calls PROTOCOLINFO before authenticating. Tell the
                # client that there is no authentication.
                self.respond("250-PROTOCOLINFO 1")
                self.respond("250-AUTH METHODS=NULL")
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                    f"250-VERSION Tor=\"{self.controller.get_version()}\""
                self.respond("250 OK")

            elif cmd == "AUTHENTICATE":
                # We have already authenticated, and the filtered port is
                # access-restricted according to our filter instead.
                self.respond("250 OK")

            elif cmd == "QUIT":
                self.respond("250 closing connection")

            elif cmd == "SETEVENTS":
                # The control language doesn't care about case for
                # the event type.
                events = [event.upper() for event in args]
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                if not GLOBAL_ARGS.disable_filtering and \
                   any(event not in self.allowed_events for event in events):
                rule = self.get_rule(cmd, arg_str)
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                if rule is None and GLOBAL_ARGS.disable_filtering:
                if rule is not None:
                    args_rewriter = None
                    response_rewriter = None

                    if 'response' in rule:
                        def _response_rewriter(lines):
                            return self.rewrite_matched_lines(rule['response'],
                        response_rewriter = _response_rewriter

                    if 'replacement' in rule:
                        def _args_rewriter(line):
                            # We also want to match the command in `line`
                            # and add it back to the replacement string.
                            # We make sure to keep the exact white spaces
                            # separating the command and arguments, to not
                            # rewrite the line unnecessarily.
                            prefix = cmd + cmd_arg_sep
                            replacer = {
                                'pattern':     prefix + rule['pattern'],
                                'replacement': prefix + rule['replacement']
                            return self.rewrite_line([replacer], line)
                        args_rewriter = _args_rewriter

                    if self.tor_browser_mode and cmd == 'GETINFO' and arg_str == 'circuit-status':
                        old_response_rewriter = response_rewriter
                        def _response_rewriter(ignored):
                            circuits = self.my_circuits()
                            # The _raw_content is the last raw CIRC
                            # event received for each circuit id, so
                            # we just have to remove the event-related
                            # prefix to have it in circuit-status'
                            # format. They are already \r\n-terminated.
                            for c in circuits:
                                new_lines += str(c._raw_content, 'ascii').removeprefix('650 CIRC ')
                            # Multi-line responses are terminated with
                            # a dot (.), but an empty answer is
                            # considered a single-line response which
                            # need no such termination.
                            if len(circuits) > 0:
                                new_lines = "250+circuit-status=\r\n" + new_lines + ".\r\n"
                                new_lines = "250-circuit-status=\r\n"
                            new_lines += "250 OK\r\n"
                            if old_response_rewriter:
                                new_lines = old_response_rewriter(new_lines)
                            return new_lines
                        response_rewriter = _response_rewriter

                    self.proxy_line(line, args_rewriter=args_rewriter,
class FilteredControlPortProxyHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
    Class handing each control port connection and collecting information
    about the origin and using it to find a matching filter rule set. It
    then delegates the session handling (the actual filtering) to a
    FilteredControlPortProxySession object.

    def debug_log(self, line, format_multiline=False, sep=': '):
        line = line.strip()
        if format_multiline and "\n" in line:
            sep += "(multi-line)\n"
            line = textwrap.indent(line, ' '*4)
        log(self.client_desc + sep + line)

    def setup(self):
        super(type(self), self).setup()
        # We don't want to block forever when waiting for client
        # requests, because the tor controller connection might have
        # broken (e.g. if tor restarted) which we need to monitor in
        # between socket timeouts.

        self.allowed_commands = {}
        self.allowed_events = {}
        self.client_desc = None
        self.client_pid = None
        self.client_streams = set()
        self.controller = None
        self.filter_name = None
        self.server_address = self.server.server_address
        self.subscribed_event_listeners = []
        for filter_file in glob.glob('/etc/onion-grater.d/*.yml'):
                with open(filter_file, "rb") as fh:
                    filters = yaml.safe_load(
                    name = re.sub(r'\.yml$', '', os.path.basename(filter_file))
                    for filter_ in filters:
                        if name not in filter_:
                            filter_['name'] = name
                    self.filters += filters
            except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) as err:
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                log(f"filter '{filter_file}' has bad YAML and was not loaded: {str(err)}")
    def add_allowed_commands(self, commands):
        for cmd in commands:
            allowed_args = commands[cmd]
            # An empty argument list allows nothing, but will
            # make some code below easier than if it can be
            # None as well.
            if allowed_args is None:
                allowed_args = []
            for i in range(len(allowed_args)):
                if isinstance(allowed_args[i], str):
                    allowed_args[i] = {'pattern': allowed_args[i]}
            self.allowed_commands[cmd.upper()] = allowed_args
    def case_insensitive_regex(self, s):
        return ''.join(['[' + c.upper() + c.lower() + ']' for c in s])

    def add_allowed_confs_commands(self, confs):
        combined_getconf_rule = {'pattern': "(" + "|".join([
            self.case_insensitive_regex(key) for key in confs]) + ")"}
        setconf_reset_part = "\s*|\s*".join([
            self.case_insensitive_regex(key) for key in confs
            if isinstance(confs[key], list) and '' in confs[key]]
        setconf_assignment_part = "\s*|\s*".join([
                self.case_insensitive_regex(key), "|".join(confs[key])
            for key in confs
            if isinstance(confs[key], list) and len(confs[key]) > 0])
        setconf_parts = []
        for part in [setconf_reset_part, setconf_assignment_part]:
            if part and part != '':
        combined_setconf_rule = {
            'pattern': "({})+".format("\s*|\s*".join(setconf_parts))
        for cmd, rule in [('GETCONF', combined_getconf_rule),
                          ('SETCONF', combined_setconf_rule)]:
            if rule['pattern'] != "()+":
                if cmd not in self.allowed_commands:
                    self.allowed_commands[cmd] = []
    def add_allowed_events(self, events):
        for event in events:
            opts = events[event]
            # Same as for the `commands` argument list, let's
            # add an empty dict to simplify later code.
            self.allowed_events[event.upper()] = opts

    def match_and_parse_filter(self, matchers):
        matched_filters = [filter_ for filter_ in self.filters
                           if all(any(val == expected_val or val == '*'
                                      for val in filter_.get(key, []))
                                  for key, expected_val in matchers)]
        if len(matched_filters) == 0:
        elif len(matched_filters) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError('multiple filters matched: ' +
                               ', '.join(matched_filters))
        matched_filter = matched_filters[0]
        self.filter_name = matched_filter['name']
        commands = matched_filter.get('commands', {}) or {}
        confs = matched_filter.get('confs', {}) or {}
        events = matched_filter.get('events', {}) or {}
        self.tor_browser_mode = bool(matched_filter.get(
            'tor-browser-mode', False
    def connect_to_real_control_port(self):
        tries = 0
        # If tor isn't running this would just loop endlessly as fast
        # as possible, so let's rate limit it so it at least cannot
        # become a performance issue.
        while not controller:
            if tries >= 3:
            # We would prefer to use the control socket but use the
            # TCP control port as a workaround for this Tor bug:
            # This workaround was added while working on the "Always
            # start Tor Launcher" feature. It remains a mystery why we
            # don't hit this bug when running a Tails without this
            # feature but enabling "bridge mode", which should reach
            # the same state as this feature.
            # Make sure to revert the commit adding this comment once
            # the Tor bug is fixed and we want to revert back to using
            # the control socket.
            # Also, we would like to use Controller.from_port() here
            # since it does not attempt fallback on failure, but at
            # least for Tor Launcher that makes its second connection
            # that handles events not receive any events breaking e.g.
            # the progress bar and tor error handling.
            # It remains to see if Controller.from_socket() is also
            # affected.
            controller = stem.connection.connect(
                control_port=('', '9052'), control_socket=None
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
        stem.connection.authenticate_cookie(controller, cookie_path=GLOBAL_ARGS.control_cookie_path)
anonym's avatar
anonym committed
        return controller
        client_host = self.client_address[0]
        pid_based_connection = ipaddress.ip_address(client_host).is_loopback
        if pid_based_connection:
            self.client_pid = pid_of_laddr(self.client_address)
            # Deal with the race between looking up the PID, and the
            # client being killed before we find the PID.
            if not self.client_pid:
            client_apparmor_profile = apparmor_profile_of_pid(self.client_pid)
            client_user = psutil.Process(self.client_pid).username()
            matchers = [
                ('apparmor-profiles', client_apparmor_profile),
                ('users',             client_user),
            self.client_pid = None
            matchers = [
                ('hosts', client_host),
            self.client_desc = '{aa_profile} (pid: {pid}, user: {user}, ' \
                               'port: {port}, filter: {filter_name})'.format(
            self.client_desc = '{1}:{2} (filter: {0})'.format(
                self.filter_name, *self.client_address
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
        remote_connection = not pid_based_connection and ipaddress.ip_address(
        ) not in ipaddress.ip_network(LOCAL_VETH_NETWORK)
        if self.tor_browser_mode and remote_connection:
                "filter '{}' has `tor-browser-mode` set "
                "and we are remote so the option was disabled"

        if len(self.filters) == 0:
            status = 'no matching filter found, using an empty one'
            status = 'loaded filter: {}'.format(self.filter_name)
        log('{} connected: {}'.format(self.client_desc, status))
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
        if GLOBAL_ARGS.debug:
            log('Final rules:')
                'commands': self.allowed_commands,
                'events': self.allowed_events,
                'tor-browser-mode': self.tor_browser_mode,
        disconnect_reason = "client quit"
            self.controller = self.connect_to_real_control_port()
            session = FilteredControlPortProxySession(self)
        except (ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError) as err:
            # Handle clients disconnecting abruptly
            disconnect_reason = str(err)
            if self.controller:
            log('{} disconnected: {}'.format(self.client_desc,
class FilteredControlPortProxy(socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer):
    Simple subclass just setting some defaults differently.

    # So we can restart when the listening port if in TIME_WAIT state
    # after an abrupt shutdown.
    allow_reuse_address = True
    # So all server threads immediately quit when the main thread
    # quits.
    daemon_threads = True

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        type=str, metavar='ADDR', default=DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS,
        help="specifies the address on which the server listens " +
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
             f"(default: {DEFAULT_LISTEN_ADDRESS})"
        type=int, metavar='PORT', default=DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT,
        help="specifies the port on which the server listens " +
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
             f"(default: {DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT})"
        type=str, metavar='INTERFACE',
        help="specifies the interface on which the server listens " +
             "(default: NULL)"
        type=str, metavar='PATH', default=DEFAULT_COOKIE_PATH,
        help="specifies the path to Tor's control authentication cookie " +
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
             f"(default: {DEFAULT_COOKIE_PATH})"
        action='store_true', default=False,
        help="disables all filtering and just prints the commands sent " +
        default='debug' in open('/proc/cmdline').read().split(),
        help="prints all requests and responses"
    # We put the argparse results in the global scope since it's
    # awkward to extend socketserver so additional data can be sent to
    # the request handler, where we need access to the arguments.
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
    global GLOBAL_ARGS
    GLOBAL_ARGS = parser.parse_args()
    # Deal with overlapping functionality between arguments
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
    GLOBAL_ARGS.__dict__['disable_filtering'] = GLOBAL_ARGS.complain
    GLOBAL_ARGS.__dict__['print_requests'] = GLOBAL_ARGS.complain or \
    GLOBAL_ARGS.__dict__['print_responses'] = GLOBAL_ARGS.debug
    if GLOBAL_ARGS.listen_interface:
        ip_address = get_ip_address(GLOBAL_ARGS.listen_interface)
        if GLOBAL_ARGS.debug:
            log(f"IP address for interface {GLOBAL_ARGS.listen_interface} : " +
intrigeri's avatar
intrigeri committed
        ip_address = GLOBAL_ARGS.listen_address
    address = (ip_address, GLOBAL_ARGS.listen_port)
anonym's avatar
anonym committed
    server = FilteredControlPortProxy(address, FilteredControlPortProxyHandler)
    log("Tor control port filter started, listening on {}:{}".format(*address))
    if GLOBAL_ARGS.debug:
        log("debug on")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == "__main__":