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  • Zen Fu's avatar
    [weblate] Improve parsing of extra requirements (tails#17377) · e0243660
    Zen Fu authored
    Extra dependencies are listed in the Pypi JSON with the keyword "extra",
    as such (example taken from
        "cryptography ; extra == 'auth'",
    This means that someone can run `pip install celery[auth]` and will get
    the cryptography package installed.
    But this scheme also allows for variations, as the following (from the
    same URL as above):
        "couchbase-cffi (<3.0.0) ; (platform_python_implementation == \"PyPy\") and extra == 'couchbase'",
    The current implementation of detection of "extra" dependencies does not
    account for the second format, so I'm fixing it in this commit.