Pidgin XMPP test fails with 'No handlers could be found for logger "jabberbot"'
Originally created by @intrigeri on #9375 (Redmine)
While testing 1.4:
Scenario: Chatting with some friend over XMPP # features/pidgin.feature:17
When I start Pidgin through the GNOME menu # features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb:252
Then I see Pidgin's account manager window # features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb:263
When I create my XMPP account # features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb:21
And I close Pidgin's account manager window # features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb:268
Then Pidgin automatically enables my XMPP account # features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb:43
No handlers could be found for logger "jabberbot"
Given my XMPP friend goes online # features/step_definitions/pidgin.rb:49
FindFailed: can not find PidginFriendOnline.png on the screen.
Line ?, in File ? (RuntimeError)
features/pidgin.feature:23:in `Given my XMPP friend goes online'
Feature Branch: kytv:test/9375-jabberbot-logger
Parent Task: #8539 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri