Orca reads neither Tor Browser nor Thunderbird if started after it
Originally created by @sajolida on #9260 (Redmine)
To reproduce on Tails 1.3.2:
1. Start Tails without networking.
2. Start Tor Browser.
3. Start Orca (Applications → Universal Access → Orca) and click Ok to
enable default options.
4. Double-click on some text on the Tor Browser error page.
5. Nothing is read.
If you invert steps 2 and 3, the text in step 5 is read.
Feature Branch: bugfix/14752-a11y-enabled-after-tor-browser-is-started
Parent Task: #14522
Related issues
- Related to #9051 (closed)
- Related to #14752 (closed)
Blocked by #14735 (closed)
Edited by sajolida