Seahorse tests lack robustness
Originally created by @intrigeri on #9095 (Redmine)
In a few runs, I’ve seen:
Scenario: Fetching OpenPGP keys using Seahorse via the Tails OpenPGP Applet should work and be done over Tor. # features/torified_gnupg.feature:30
When I fetch the "10CC5BC7" OpenPGP key using Seahorse via the Tails OpenPGP Applet # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:97
FindFailed: can not find SeahorseFindKeysWindow.png on the screen.
Scenario: Syncing OpenPGP keys using Seahorse started from the Tails OpenPGP Applet should work and be done over Tor. # features/torified_gnupg.feature:45
Given I fetch the "10CC5BC7" OpenPGP key using the GnuPG CLI without any signatures # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:26
And the GnuPG fetch is successful # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:38
And the "10CC5BC7" key is in the live user's public keyring after at most 120 seconds # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:50
But the key "10CC5BC7" has only 2 signatures # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:7
When I start Seahorse via the Tails OpenPGP Applet # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:57
Then Seahorse has opened # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:67
And I enable key synchronization in Seahorse # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:72
And I synchronize keys in Seahorse # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:84
FindFailed: can not find SeahorseWindow.png on the screen.
Scenario: Syncing OpenPGP keys using Seahorse should work and be done over Tor. # features/torified_gnupg.feature:34
Given I fetch the "10CC5BC7" OpenPGP key using the GnuPG CLI without any signatures # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:26
And the GnuPG fetch is successful # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:38
And the "10CC5BC7" key is in the live user's public keyring after at most 120 seconds # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:50
But the key "10CC5BC7" has only 2 signatures # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:7
When I start Seahorse # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:57
Then Seahorse has opened # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:67
And I enable key synchronization in Seahorse # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:72
And I synchronize keys in Seahorse # features/step_definitions/torified_gnupg.rb:84
FindFailed: can not find SeahorseWindow.png on the screen.
Feature Branch: kytv/test/9095-robust-seahorse
Parent Task: #8539 (closed)
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Edited by intrigeri