Add Electrum bitcoin client to Tails
Originally created by @winterfairy on #6739 (Redmine)
There seem to be some new interest in including a light-weight
Bitcoin client in Tails.
Electrum is one such client that does not require downloading
any of the blockchain, and therefore should work well in
live systems like Tails. There are other benefits as well, see:
Electrum need to be backported to Wheezy for this to happen:
More information can be found in the
“Adding BitMessage and Bitcoin-QT to Tails” thread on tails-dev
posted in February 2014.
I filed this ticket so it is not forgotten.
I set it to “discuss” since I couldn’t tell if a decision had been
Feature Branch: feature/6739-install-electrum
Related issues
Blocked by #6015 (closed) -
Blocked by #8091 (closed)
Edited by winterfairy