Consider dropping the latest release version and date from the website sidebar
Originally created by @intrigeri on #17431 (Redmine)
One of the major pain points in our release process is the 2+ times when one waits for the full website to rebuild, due to the sidebar being updated with the release date & version bumps. Some of these waiting times are in the ~20 minutes order of magnitude, some are 1h or more.
Could we consider removing this information altogether?
This info was added to the sidebar almost 10 years ago via 0e3f9cf9.
sajolida told me there are big plans to change or remove the sidebar, as it currently is, in 2 months or so. I understand it’s about #15112 (closed), as part of #7627 (closed). It would be great if part of this work could benefit our RMs :)
Parent Task: #7627 (closed)
Related issues
- Related to #17361 (closed)
Blocked by #15112 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri