Buster: torstatus@tails.boum.org makes GNOME Shell crashes when unlocking the screen or restoring from suspend
Originally created by @intrigeri on #16791 (Redmine)
Quoting alienpup’s report on tails-testers today:
I’ve just retested all three systems using this .img file:
I found one new regressions relative to 3.14:
All three systems fail to fully restore from suspend. More specifically, they do, but X graphics appears correctly for only for 1-2 seconds, after which the screen blanks again before a only portion of the screen returns. At this point X no longer responds. On the two Intel based laptops, the mouse is inoperative. On the AMD based desktop, the mouse remains operative, but nothing on-screen responds (to mouse or keyboard). All three systems are still running at this point, and I can CTRL+ALT to a vterm and log in (password set at boot). Running top reveals Xorg is sleeping, consuming “0” cpu and minimal RAM.
Feature Branch: https://salsa.debian.org/tails-team/tails/merge_requests/28
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