Missing s/ISO/USB/ update?
Originally created by @intrigeri on #16354 (Redmine)
While going through the upgrade paths (to better specify the test suite
adjustments we need to stick as close as possible to what we support), I
noticed that upgrade/tails.en.html
says “using the Tails ISO image
that you downloaded earlier.” I landed there from
i.e. I’ve downloaded a USB image.
Also, perhaps it’s only on my local build of the USB image branch, but
on install/download.en.html
, I can’t start a download by clicking the
“Download Tails 3.11 Torrent file for USB image” button. There seems
to be weird CSS magics going on.
Feature Branch: xin:bugfix/16354-usb-doc-update
Parent Task: #15292 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri