Persistence preset: screen locking password
Originally created by @Gaff on #15641 (Redmine)
I’m using tor with a persisted volume. If I set the screen lock password and reboot the screen lock password isn’t persisted.
Proposed design for a persistent password:
In the persistence configuration
Add an option for a persistent password.
In the screen locking dialog
Add an option to persist the password.
In Tails Greeter
If persistence unlocked after [Start Tails]
- If admin password is the same as persistent password:
Don't ask anything
- If admin password is different than persistent password:
Ask to choose between two alternatives:
* Ignore the persistent password
Use the administration password for administration and unlocking the screen
* Reset persistent password
If persistence unlocked before [Start Tails] (optional)
- If persistence unlocked + persistent password:
Display alternate layout (and explain why):
[ ] Enable administration access
[Reset persistent password]
- If persistence unlocked + persistent password feature + no persistent password (yet)
Display original layout with an option to persist password:
Set password: [ ]
Confirm: [ ]
[ ] Persist this password
Related issues
- Related to #16998 (closed)
- Related to #17136 (closed)