uBlock is broken in Tails 3.3
Originally created by @beoing341 on #14993 (Redmine)
I noticed that Ublock is not working in Tails 3.3 and believe this might be because of the new API.
1.jpg First start of TB
2.jpg about:addons
3.jpg Ublock Dashboard accessed through URI
4.jpg Dashboard 3P-filter
5.jpg Uninstall and reinstall of current 1.14.18 Icon visible but still
overall defunctional
6.jpg Uninstall and reinstall of current beta 1.14.19b7 seems functional
but frooze slightly
7.jpg Dashboard Ublock 1.14.19b7
8.jpg Dasboard 3P-filter looks working but update defunctional with no
tx rx and high cpu load trying
Feature Branch: bugfix/14993-fix-ublock
Related issues
- Related to #15616 (closed)
- Has duplicate #14968 (closed)
- Blocks #13244 (closed)
Edited by Ghost User