Retrying mechanism for the "I open the address" step is buggy in the Unsafe Browser
Originally created by @intrigeri on #14771 (Redmine)
When I successfully start the Unsafe Browser # features/step_definitions/browser.rb:9
02:15:15.336157969: calling as root: . /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/ && echo ${TBB_INSTALL}/firefox
02:15:15.544600665: call returned: [0, "/usr/local/lib/tor-browser/firefox\n", ""]
02:15:16.484769323: [log] CLICK on L(243,80)@S(0)[0,0 1024x768]
02:15:17.284026264: calling as root: . /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/ && echo ${TBB_INSTALL}/firefox
02:15:17.802127293: call returned: [0, "/usr/local/lib/tor-browser/firefox\n", ""]
02:15:18.592541657: [log] CLICK on L(147,114)@S(0)[0,0 1024x768]
02:15:23.592553473: calling as amnesia: echo -n '' | xsel --input --clipboard
02:15:23.772854397: call returned: [0, "", ""]
02:15:23.880371021: [log] ( Ctrl ) TYPE "v"
[log] TYPE "#ENTER."
02:17:23.974624891: Operation failed (Try 1 of 10) with:
FindFailed: can not find BrowserReloadButton.png in S(0)[0,0 1024x768]
02:17:24.016760770: [log] TYPE "#ESC."
And I open Tails homepage in the Unsafe Browser # features/step_definitions/browser.rb:201
FindFailed: can not find BrowserAddressBar.png in S(0)[0,0 1024x768]
Line 2171, in file
features/tor_enforcement.feature:19:in `And I open Tails homepage in the Unsafe Browser'
And Tails homepage loads in the Unsafe Browser # features/step_definitions/browser.rb:210
Then the firewall leak detector has detected leaks # features/step_definitions/firewall_leaks.rb:1
Scenario failed at time 02:17:30
I think that the reload button is not found due to the different background color, which is one first bug that should be trivial to fix. And then apparently (didn’t look at the code) we have another fallback mechanism (BrowserAddressBar.png) that fails too, which might be a second (probably less important) bug.
I’m going to flag the affected tests as fragile. They are already fragile anyway, except “Scenario: Anti test: Detecting TCP leaks from the Unsafe Browser with the firewall leak detector”.
Feature Branch: feature/15023-tor-browser-8
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Related issues
Blocked by #15023 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri