Additional Software Packages
Originally created by @Anonymous on #14568 (Redmine)
This ticket is about
- Implementing offline mode
- Designing and implementing a GUI for Additional Software packages
- Solving #9059 (closed): “Additional software” locks the opening of the desktop
- Planned (non public/nightly) Beta release: Tails 3.6 (~May 2018)
- Planned public Final release: Tails 3.8 (~August 2018)
(See calendar:
Design and implement a GUI to select additional software packages to make Additional software persistent.
We want users to be able to decide, for each additional piece of software that they might install in Tails once, whether it shall be installed automatically in the future.
This requires to rethink in depth the way the persistent storage is
configured. For this we want to:
- Integrate the decision of adding each additional piece of software to the persistent storage directly in the workflow while installing it; instead of making this decision in the persistence configuration assistant which is not integrated in the natural workflow of installing additional software.
- Allow visualizing which additional software is stored from the configuration assistant to provide feedback and allow removing additional software from the persistent storage one by one if needed.
The additional software feature currently only works when connected to the Internet and we want to remove this limitation.
#5996 (closed))
Proposal (fromThis was a previous proposal on how to do this. Maybe it can still give us some ideas!
- (preemble) merge the 3 APT persistence options : APT lists cache, APT packages cache, additional software packages
- when Alice (logged with administrative privileges with additional
software persistence setup) installs a package, she gets a notification
“Do you want to reinstall this software package next time you boot
Tails?” with a button to add this package to additional software
- when Alice removes a packages incuded in additional software
packages, the package is removed from the list of additional software
packages and she gets a notification “The software package was removed
from your additional software.”.
Team: alan (code), sajolida (ux), intrigeri (code), bertagaz (tests), segfault (reviewer), u (reviewer, manager)
#5551 (closed) -
#6038 (closed) -
#9059 (closed) -
#14570 (closed) -
#14571 (closed) -
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#14573 (closed) -
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#15272 (closed) -
#15273 (closed) -
sysadmin#15378 (closed) -
#15567 (closed) -
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#15983 (closed) -
#16062 (closed) -
#16110 (closed) -
#16475 (closed)
Related issues
- Related to #5567 (closed)
- Related to #11541 (closed)
- Related to #6786 (closed)
- Related to #10694 (closed)
- Related to #15583 (closed)
- Related to #11551 (closed)
- Related to #9052 (closed)
- Related to #5626 (closed)
- Related to #16265 (closed)
- Related to #16061 (closed)
- Related to #16060 (closed)