Set up a process to keep our fork of GNOME Shell's .desktop file and GDM's .session file up-to-date
Originally created by @intrigeri on #12551 (Redmine)
As noticed on #12364 (comment 43634), our own config/gdm-shell-tails.desktop
(in Tails Greeter’s Git repo) tends to be behind
as shipped in Debian.
This can potentially cause serious issues, so IMO we need a process to
keep it more up-to-date than what we’ve done in the past. I don’t know
what’s the best way to do that, but at least a ticket per Tails release
based on the next version of Debian would be a good start; completing
said ticket would require creating the next one. But there are probably
better ways to do so, e.g. generate our own .desktop file dynamically at
package build time from the upstream one.
Same for gdm-tails.session
, see
Feature Branch: feature/16912-move-greeter-to-main-git-repo+force-all-tests
Related issues
- Related to #16288 (closed)
- Related to #16951 (closed)
Blocked by #16912 (closed)