Fix shutdown and memory wipe regressions on 3.0~betaN
Originally created by @intrigeri on #12354 (Redmine)
We’ve been reported a number of regressions vs. 2.x on 3.0~beta1 and beta2: on shutdown, the kernel is kexec’ed but then either nothing else happens (blinking caps lock == kernel panic) or the system fails to shut down and leaves the user facing an initramfs prompt.
- Do we see any cheap way to debug this? If not:
- Is it better to have an unreliable memory wiping feature, that leaves the system in a weird (and suspicious) state when it fails, or no such feature at all? In other words, do we want to optimize for the high-risk users who need this feature and got hardware where it is reliable? Or for everybody else? And is it OK to provide this feature (and then some users will rely on it) even though it doesn’t work reliably (and then some users will be bitten because they rely on it and today / on other hardware) it fails?
Note that #12089 (closed) might be enough (see discussion on #12107 (closed) and tails-dev) to erase most memory without any special “memory wipe on shutdown” process.
Feature Branch: bugfix/12354-drop-kexec-memory-wipe
Related issues
- Related to #12089 (closed)
- Related to #12393 (closed)
- Related to #5417 (closed)
- Related to #12560 (closed)
- Has duplicate #11786 (closed)
Blocked by #12554 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri