"The Unsafe Browser can be used in all languages supported in Tails" test is broken for locales that have a translated homepage
Originally created by @intrigeri on #11711 (Redmine)
Scenario: The Unsafe Browser can be used in all languages supported in Tails # features/localization.feature:16
[log] DOUBLE CLICK on (89,174)
calling as root: echo 'hello?'
call returned: [0, "hello?\n", ""]
[log] CLICK on (1024,384)
calling as root: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep -q 'inet addr'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: date -s '@1472032100'
call returned: [0, "Wed Aug 24 09:48:20 UTC 2016\n", ""]
Checkpoint: I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected
Given I have started Tails from DVD without network and logged in
And the network is plugged
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [3, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [3, "", ""]
calling as root: /usr/local/sbin/tor-has-bootstrapped
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e /var/run/tordate/done
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e /var/run/htpdate/success
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e /var/run/htpdate/success
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: systemctl is-system-running
call returned: [0, "running\n", ""]
And Tor is ready
[log] CLICK on (1007,762)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 92ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (990,584)
[log] CLICK on (51,16)
And all notifications have disappeared
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -e '/var/run/tails-upgrader/checked_upgrades'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
And available upgrades have been checked
Given I have started Tails from DVD and logged in and the network is connected # features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb:199
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/ar_EG.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/de_DE.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/es_ES_ES.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/es_ES.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/en_US_US.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/fa_IR.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/fa.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/fa_IR'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/fr_FR.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/it_IT.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/ja_JP.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/ko_KR.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/nl_NL.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/pl_PL.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/pt_PT_PT.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/pt_PT.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/ru_RU.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/tr_TR.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/vi_VN.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/vi.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/vi_VN'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/zh_CN_CN.utf8'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/usr/lib/locale/zh_CN.utf8'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: pidof -x -o '%PPID' gnome-terminal-server
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: mktemp
call returned: [0, "/tmp/tmp.2ssZD3ldPo\n", ""]
calling as root: rm -f '/tmp/tmp.2ssZD3ldPo'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: echo '#!/usr/bin/python
from dogtail import tree
from dogtail.config import config
config.searchShowingOnly = True
application = tree.root.application('"'"'gnome-shell'"'"')
application.child('"'"'Applications'"'"', roleName='"'"'label'"'"').click()' >> '/tmp/tmp.2ssZD3ldPo'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: /usr/bin/python '/tmp/tmp.2ssZD3ldPo'
call returned: [0, "Creating logfile at /tmp/dogtail-amnesia/logs/tmp.2ssZD3ldPo_20160824-094916_debug ...\nClicking on [label | Applications]\nMouse button 1 click at (47,13)\n", ""]
calling as root: rm -f '/tmp/tmp.2ssZD3ldPo'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: mktemp
call returned: [0, "/tmp/tmp.TJAXZh6bfO\n", ""]
calling as root: rm -f '/tmp/tmp.TJAXZh6bfO'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: echo '#!/usr/bin/python
from dogtail import tree
from dogtail.config import config
config.searchShowingOnly = True
application = tree.root.application('"'"'gnome-shell'"'"')
application.child('"'"'Utilities'"'"', roleName='"'"'label'"'"').click()' >> '/tmp/tmp.TJAXZh6bfO'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: /usr/bin/python '/tmp/tmp.TJAXZh6bfO'
call returned: [0, "Creating logfile at /tmp/dogtail-amnesia/logs/tmp.TJAXZh6bfO_20160824-094919_debug ...\nClicking on [label | Utilities]\nMouse button 1 click at (58,430)\n", ""]
calling as root: rm -f '/tmp/tmp.TJAXZh6bfO'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: mktemp
call returned: [0, "/tmp/tmp.ur3MLcWYRV\n", ""]
calling as root: rm -f '/tmp/tmp.ur3MLcWYRV'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: echo '#!/usr/bin/python
from dogtail import tree
from dogtail.config import config
config.searchShowingOnly = True
application = tree.root.application('"'"'gnome-shell'"'"')
application.child('"'"'Terminal'"'"', roleName='"'"'label'"'"').click()' >> '/tmp/tmp.ur3MLcWYRV'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as amnesia: /usr/bin/python '/tmp/tmp.ur3MLcWYRV'
call returned: [0, "Creating logfile at /tmp/dogtail-amnesia/logs/tmp.ur3MLcWYRV_20160824-094924_debug ...\nClicking on [label | Terminal]\nMouse button 1 click at (286,468)\n", ""]
calling as root: rm -f '/tmp/tmp.ur3MLcWYRV'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
[log] TYPE "LANG=ar_EG.utf8 LC_ALL=ar_EG.utf8 sudo unsafe-browser
[log] TYPE "
[log] Ctrl+TYPE "q"
calling as root: . /usr/local/lib/tails-shell-library/tor-browser.sh && echo ${TBB_INSTALL}/firefox
call returned: [0, "/usr/local/lib/tor-browser/firefox\n", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
calling as root: test -d '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot'
call returned: [0, "", ""]
Then the Unsafe Browser works in all supported languages # features/step_definitions/unsafe_browser.rb:30
The Unsafe Browser chroot '/var/lib/unsafe-browser/chroot' was not removed (Timeout::Error)
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:83:in `rescue in try_for'
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:33:in `try_for'
./features/step_definitions/browser.rb:171:in `/^the (.*) chroot is torn down$/'
./features/step_definitions/unsafe_browser.rb:41:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
./features/step_definitions/unsafe_browser.rb:32:in `each'
./features/step_definitions/unsafe_browser.rb:32:in `/^the Unsafe Browser works in all supported languages$/'
features/localization.feature:18:in `Then the Unsafe Browser works in all supported languages'
Scenario failed at time 01:54:11
Feature Branch: feature/15023-tor-browser-8
- 01_54_11_The_Unsafe_Browser_can_be_used_in_all_languages_supported_in_Tails.png
- 01_54_11_The_Unsafe_Browser_can_be_used_in_all_languages_supported_in_Tails.mkv
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Related issues
Blocked by #15023 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri