Confirmation dialog of Tails Installer should use verbs for button instead of Yes/No
Originally created by @sajolida on #11501 (Redmine)
Quite often when I use Tails Installer myself to upgrade my USB sticks I have a moment of doubt on the confirmation dialog “Please confirm your device selection”. Even if the message is clear, this step might erase all of my data so I’m very scared of having chosen the wrong entry in the splash screen.
I think that using verbs (“Cancel” and “Install” or “Upgrade”) in this confirmation dialog would help me. It’s usually a good practice nowadays anyway.
Feature Branch: kurono/liveusb-creator:feature/11501-install-verbs-instead-yes-no, feature/11501-install-verbs-instead-yes-no
Parent Task: #9005 (closed)
Related issues
- Related to sysadmin#16053 (closed)
- Blocks #15392 (closed)
Edited by sajolida