robust_notification_wait sometimes does not recognize the notification it's looking for
Originally created by @intrigeri on #11463 (Redmine)
Scenario: The 'Tor is ready' notification is shown when Tor has bootstrapped # features/checks.feature:53
calling as root: echo 'hello?'
call returned: [0, "hello?\n", ""]
[log] CLICK on (1024,384)
calling as root: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep -q 'inet addr'
call returned: [1, "", ""]
calling as root: date -s '@1463925154'
call returned: [0, "Sun May 22 13:52:34 UTC 2016\n", ""]
Given I have started Tails from DVD without network and logged in # features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb:199
And the network is plugged # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:161
[log] CLICK on (1007,762)
[log] CLICK on (1007,762)
[log] CLICK on (1007,762)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 76ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 94ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 79ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 81ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 78ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 93ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 64ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 92ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 85ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 78ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 75ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 68ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 78ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 75ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 78ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 89ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 88ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 74ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 81ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 86ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 82ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 82ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 90ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 79ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 80ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 83ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 76ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 66ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 88ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 72ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 93ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 76ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 84ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 76ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 65ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 83ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 92ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 75ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 80ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 98ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 75ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 77ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 75ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 74ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 75ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 76ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 82ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 95ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
[profile] Finder.findAll START
[profile] Finder.findAll END: 74ms
[log] CLICK on (991,697)
When I see the 'Tor is ready' notification # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:377
Didn't not see notification 'TorIsReadyNotification.png' (Timeout::Error)
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:83:in `rescue in try_for'
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:33:in `try_for'
./features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:68:in `robust_notification_wait'
./features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:378:in `/^I see the 'Tor is ready' notification$/'
features/checks.feature:56:in `When I see the 'Tor is ready' notification'
Then Tor is ready # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:381
Scenario failed at time 01:03:42
Feature Branch:
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri