"I2P displays a notice when bootstrapping fails" test is fragile
Originally created by @intrigeri on #11452 (Redmine)
Scenario I2P displays a notice when bootstrapping fails
Given I have started Tails from DVD with I2P enabled and logged in
And I2P is not running
When the network is plugged
And Tor has built a circuit
And I2P is running
And I2P's reseeding started
And the network is unplugged
Then I see a notification that I2P is not ready
Didn't not see notification 'I2PBootstrapFailure.png'
Last ignored exception was: FindFailed: can not find GnomeNotificationEntry.png on the screen. (Timeout::Error)
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:83:in `rescue in try_for'
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:33:in `try_for'
./features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:68:in `robust_notification_wait'
./features/step_definitions/i2p.rb:89:in `/^I see a notification that I2P is not ready$/'
features/i2p.feature:77:in `Then I see a notification that I2P is not ready'
… instead I see a notification telling me that the I2P router console is ready.
Video attached.
Feature Branch: test/11452-I2P-displays-a-notice-when-bootstrapping-fails-is-fragile
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Related issues
Blocked by #12264 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri