"Symmetric encryption and decryption using OpenPGP Applet" is fragile
Originally created by @bertagaz on #11394 (Redmine)
This one is quite often making the test suite runs in Jenkins fail. Most of the time, it prints out the error:
[log] TYPE "asdf
[log] CLICK on (208,71)
[log] RIGHT CLICK on (568,376)
[log] RIGHT CLICK on (566,376)
[log] RIGHT CLICK on (566,376)
[log] RIGHT CLICK on (566,376)
[log] RIGHT CLICK on (566,376)
And I symmetrically encrypt the message with password "asdf" # features/step_definitions/encryption.rb:126
try_for() timeout expired
Last ignored exception was: FindFailed: can not find GeditPaste.png on the screen. (Timeout::Error)
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:83:in `rescue in try_for'
./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:33:in `try_for'
./features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:30:in `context_menu_helper'
./features/step_definitions/encryption.rb:65:in `paste_into_a_new_tab'
./features/step_definitions/encryption.rb:132:in `/^I symmetrically encrypt the message with password "([^"]+)"$/'
features/encryption.feature:34:in `And I symmetrically encrypt the message with password "asdf"'
Attached is a screenshot that is looking like the ones that are taken when this issue arise.
More informations if needed can be found in run #287, and #291 to
#293 of the test_Tails_ISO_devel
job, as well as run #243, #245 and
#257 of job test_Tails_ISO_stable
Feature Branch: wip/test/11394-symmetric-encryption-with-openpgp-aplet-is-fragile
- 00_43_18_Symmetric_encryption_and_decryption_using_OpenPGP_Applet.png
- 01_02_05_Symmetric_encryption_and_decryption_using_OpenPGP_Applet.mkv
- debug.log
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Edited by bertagaz