"I should be able to install a package using Synaptic" step is fragile
Originally created by @intrigeri on #10900 (Redmine)
Scenario: Install packages using Synaptic # features/apt.feature:23
When I start Synaptic # features/step_definitions/apt.rb:52
And I update APT using Synaptic # features/step_definitions/apt.rb:31
Then I should be able to install a package using Synaptic # features/step_definitions/apt.rb:37
FindFailed: can not find SynapticChangesAppliedPrompt.png on the screen.
Line ?, in File ? (RuntimeError)
features/apt.feature:26:in `Then I should be able to install a package using Synaptic'
… while the screenshot does show the “Changes applied” dialog. Timeout bump?
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
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Blocked by #10441 (closed)
Edited by intrigeri