boot_device method in features/step_definitions/usb.rb is broken
Originally created by @bertagaz on #10504 (Redmine)
It happens to see this kind of failures in Jenkins:
Error trace:
We are running from device /dev/sda, but for usb drive 'isohybrid' we expected to run from either device /dev/sda1 (when installed via the USB installer) or /dev/sda1 (when installed from an isohybrid).
It seems to happen when isohybrids are used. If so config/chroot_local_includes/lib/live/config/998-permissions may also be broken. It reappeared on some new builds.
Feature Branch: test/10504-allow-more-boot_devices
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Related issues
- Related to #11083 (closed)
Edited by bertagaz