Scenario "Using a persistent Electrum configuration" is fragile
Originally created by @bertagaz on #10475 (Redmine)
The step “I create a new bitcoin wallet” fails quite often with mainly two errors:
Step: I create a new bitcoin wallet
Defined at: features/step_definitions/electrum.rb:17
Used in: Scenario: Using a persistent Electrum configuration
Error trace:
FindFailed: can not find ElectrumEncryptWallet.png on the screen.
Line ?, in File ? (RuntimeError)
features/electrum.feature:23:in `When I create a new bitcoin wallet'
Step: I create a new bitcoin wallet
Defined at: features/step_definitions/electrum.rb:17
Used in: Scenario: Using a persistent Electrum configuration
Error trace:
FindFailed: can not find ElectrumConnectServer.png on the screen.
Line ?, in File ? (RuntimeError)
features/electrum.feature:23:in `When I create a new bitcoin wallet'
Parent Task: #10288 (closed)
Related issues
Blocked by #9713 (closed)
Edited by bertagaz