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  • Tails developers's avatar
    Rework the KeePassX documentation · cb5e7858
    Tails developers authored
      - Write a more informative and task-oriented intro.
      - Apply documentation styling.
      - Use 'single' instead of 'one' to denote uniqueness.
      - Add anchors and table-of-content.
      - Write an introductory sentence for each section.
      - Put the KeePassX Handbook in a section of its own.
      - Use 'start Tails' instead of 'boot Tails'.
      - Do not use 'prompt'.
      - Limit the usage of 'your'.
      - Mention the error message in case of wrong passphrase.
      - Remove 'how to' in section headings.
      - Use 'Click OK' instead of 'Click the OK button'.