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  • anonym's avatar
    Test suite: replace Sikuli with mix of xdotool and OpenCV. · 91674552
    anonym authored
    Sikuli is broken with Java >= 9 and its Debian maintainer has given
    up. So we need something else.
    Here we implement something that is almost a drop-in-replacement for
    the Sikuli features we use (although the interface for keyboard
    interaction has changed, resulting in tons of small changes under
    features/step_definitions in this commit). It uses OpenCV for (fuzzy)
    image matching, and xdotool for keyboard/mouse interaction. We didn't
    bother with most of the Sikuli class hierarchy, settling with just
    equivalents of Screen and Match -- we drop Pattern since we don't do
    OCR but just image matching; we drop Region because so far we have
    always operated on the whole screen (if we care about a subsection we
    can just use findAll() and check which matches fulfills the
    This commit removes some functionality: both --retry-find and
    --fuzzy-image-matching are gone. These were mainly used for "image
    bumping", and I do have plans for in improved feature replacing these.
    Refs: #15460