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    Torify Git with tsocks, instead of setting GIT_PROXY_COMMAND (Will-Fix: #8680). · 3922b0b2
    Tails developers authored
    GIT_PROXY_COMMAND is taken into account for git:// and Git over SSH, but not for
    Git over HTTPS. The latter use to work when we were shipping Polipo, probably
    thanks to the HTTP_PROXY environment variable and friends. Now it's broken.
    Here, we're dropping usage of GIT_PROXY_COMMAND, and replacing it with a tsocks
    Note: it would be nicer to use torsocks in this wrapper, which would work for
    git:// and HTTPS, but it would break Git over SSH, since in Tails SSH has its
    own ProxyCommand set to connect-socks, and then torsocks would block connections
    initiated by connect-socks to the Tor SOCKS proxy, on the ground that they're
    aimed at localhost and thus might be DNS requests.