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  • anonym's avatar
    Remove gconf, gksu and their dependencies. · 4da014df
    anonym authored
    We don't use gksu, and it was the only reason we installed
    gconf. Removing these packages + deps will not only save quite some
    space (30 MiB installed) but will also remove a source of
    non-determinism in the filesystem (element order in
    /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree-*.xml) which made Tails
    We also remove:
    * libgnomevfs2-extra, which was previously used for SSH/FTP support in
      Nautilus, but isn't needed for that any more.
    * libgnome2-bin which provides gnome-open. We'll find a replacement
      for that in a later commit.
    * Configurations and scripts that become obsolete because of these
    Will-fix: #12738