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  • Kill Your TV's avatar
    Add an I2P boot parameter · 2eb92957
    Kill Your TV authored
    During the build process, the following are moved to /usr/share/tails:
      - /usr/share/i2p
      - /usr/sbin/wrapper to /usr/share/tails/i2p
      - /usr/share/applications/i2p.desktop to /usr/share/tails/i2p
    The I2P binaries are changed to be owned by i2psvc:i2psvc to prevent it
    being run from the new location under /usr/share/tails/i2p.
    If the string 'i2p' is entered on at the boot prompt, these files are
    returned to ther original locations, making I2P accessible. Also, the
    I2P sudoers file is written to the system, allowing the amnesia user to
    run tails-start-i2p as the i2psvc user.