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    Don't attempt to include "up-to-date" uBlock filter lists (refs: #15702). · 10b8fdd8
    intrigeri authored
    First, since the transition to webext (commit
    106a5129) we actually did not store these lists:
    we merely shipped custom settings, which include the list of enabled
    filter lists.
    Second, even if one manually refreshes these lists, Tor Browser's "avoid disk"
    feature prevents the uBlock webext from actually saving the updated lists
    on "disk". So extracting them and adding them to our Git repo is not easy.
    Third, given the lifetime of our ISO, any list we ship in there will always be
    only marginally more up-to-date than the ones included in the Debian package.
    Finally, one reason why we needed to include these lists in the ISO is that we
    were enabling a couple non-default, regional ones. It makes little sense in 2018
    to special-case German and French in Tails so I think this reason does not
    work anymore.
    So we'll now rely purely on the set of filter lists shipped in the
    Debian package.