Have a repo for the Etcher binary
Originally created by @sajolida on #16068 (Redmine)
Similary as we’re currently doing for UUI, I think we should have a repo for the Etcher binary.
See https://git.tails.boum.org/uui-binary/.
It would:
- Provide us with a stable URL to download the binaries. Right now, the URLs used by Etcher or their GitHub include the version number.
- Give stability to the version used by our users and make sure that their are running what is documented.
- Help us spot whenever their interface change and we need to update our documentation.
- Possibly prevent Etcher or GitHub from distributing rogue downloads to Tails users (that could be identified through the referrer). We could check that the version of Etcher that we are distributing produces the correct result (something that is not possible so far with UUI).
Note that we could achieve #1 and #2 by pointing to a given release version in GitHub. To have #3 we would have to test new versions by hand, like I’ve been doing for UUI.
If we don’t want to have our own repo and always point to the latest version, we could ask Etcher to provide a stable link or write some code on our side.
Assigning to intrigeri as sysadmin/RM with more hours on the USB image project: what do you think?
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Edited by sajolida