[[!tag archived]]
Corresponding ticket: [[!tails_ticket 8007]]
[[!toc levels=2]]
Remaining to do
See [[blueprint/harden_AppArmor_profiles]].
Checked already
Could be improved later
See [[blueprint/harden_AppArmor_profiles]].
Currently OK
As of 20150604, some of those are OK in
`bugfix/8007-AppArmor-hardening`, but not in current `stable`.
Unless they're worth special treatment, all changes made as a result
of this audit should land together into Tails 1.5.
* Ux rules don't sanitize `$PATH`
(<https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1045986>) =>
they must only be used to run software that does *not* rely on
`$PATH` for executing other stuff; in particular, many shell scripts
do rely on `$PATH`; this should be checked particularly for the
profiles we ship that don't come from AppArmor upstream, most
- the Tor Browser one: **OK**, the only `Ux` rule it has is about an
ELF executable
- Pidgin profile: was vulnerable via `/usr/local/bin/tor-browser`,
fixed in Tails 1.4
- `abstractions/tor`: only `Ux` rules are about ELF executables
- no other relevant `Ux` rule are present in the profiles we ship
* use of `sanitized_helper` [isn't very
especially given it [doesn't transition properly with
=> we don't add occurrences thereof in our own profiles
* Tails-specific modifications to profiles:
- `config/chroot_local-patches/apparmor-adjust-pidgin-profile.diff`
- `config/chroot_local-patches/apparmor-adjust-tor-abstraction.diff`
- `config/chroot_local-patches/apparmor-adjust-tor-profile.diff`
- `config/chroot_local-patches/apparmor-adjust-totem-profile.diff`
- `config/chroot_local-patches/apparmor-adjust-user-tmp-abstraction.diff`
* wide-open access to `$HOME`:
- `bash` abstraction (included by many profiles) gives read access
to `$HOME` via `@{HOMEDIRS}`, but merely listing its content
shouldn't be a problem in practice in Tails: users tend to store
their documents on the Desktop, or in persistence. Worst case
we'll leak filenames.
- no profile we ship includes the `gnupg` abstraction
- no profile we ship includes the `user-mail` abstraction, that
gives read-write access to mail folders
- no profile we ship includes the `user-write` abstraction, that
gives read-write access to large parts of `$HOME`
- the `user-download` abstraction, that's included in the Pidgin
profile, gives read-write access non-hidden files at the root of
the `$HOME`, Desktop and download directories; combined with the
`private-files-strict` abstraction, it is probably as tight as we
can do without substantially harming UX
- `abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/{java,user-files}` give read-write
access to `$HOME` and its content, but they're not used anywhere
* access to webcam:
- `abstractions/video` gives access via `/sys/class/video4linux/` so
some devices; it's not used in any profile we ship
- most webcams appear as `/dev/video0` or similar; `rgrep -i video`
shows that no profile we ship gives access to such files
* access to files via alternate paths specific to Debian Live systems:
- `/live/persistence/TailsData_unlocked/`: we have one automatic
test for this in `pidgin.feature`; the tested access is denied
because that path is not explicitly allowed, rather than because
it's explicitly denied, but that's how AppArmor works and that's
good enough.
- we don't have have any symlink between `/live` and `/lib/live`
- `/lib/live/mount/rootfs/` and `/lib/live/mount/medium/` should be
OK: they only contain stuff that's publicly available in our ISO
anyway, and DAC still applies.
- there's no alternate path to `/live/persistence`
- `/lib/live/mount/overlay/` -- until Tails 1.4, we have _two_
`tmpfs` mounted there, including an empty one that hides the
other's content (but we should not rely on this for security).
Fixed on the `bugfix/8007-AppArmor-hardening` branch with
[[!tails_gitweb_commit bc491c9]]. Note that there's also
`/live/overlay` (that's a symlink to `/lib/live/mount/overlay`,
created in [[!tails_gitweb_commit 3233da6]]). Follow-up fixes and
corresponding new automatic tests (in `torified_browsing.feature`,
`pidgin.feature`, `evince.feature` and `totem.feature`) were added
on `bugfix/8007-AppArmor-hardening`; the full test suite passes,
and the new bits were validated by manual testing.
- persistence in read-only mode doesn't bring any additional
alternate path
- `private-files` and `private-files-strict` abstractions do the
right thing wrt. `/lib/live/mount/overlay/home/`, since we add it
* wide-open access to `/lib/**` or similar, that might grant access to
files via alternate paths -- everything checked, potential issues were:
- the `base` and `ubuntu-helpers` abstraction have things
like `/lib{,32,64}/** r`: this was patched when introducing
aliases ([[!tails_gitweb_commit 6e48b6d]])
- the `launchpad-integration` abstraction has things like `/** rwlk`
and `/{,usr/}lib*/{,**/}*.so{,.*} m`; it's harmless since it only
gives such rights to an executable we don't ship, and it's
included by the Pidgin profile only, which for good measure we
disabled with [[!tails_gitweb_commit 551d372]] on
* the kludges needed to make them work with aufs: everything replaced
with aliases (and other kludges) in [[!tails_gitweb_commit 6e48b6d]]
* wide-open access to `$HOME` except blacklist -- everything checked,
in particular:
- Apart of Evince and Totem profiles (discussed elsewhere), only
Pidgin uses one of the `private-files` and `private-files-strict`
abstractions, but it doesn't have any wide-open access rules like
Evince or Totem have.
* `config/chroot_local-includes/usr/share/tails/torbrowser-AppArmor-profile.patch`
- can tell that it's running in Tails: unavoidable in the current
state of things
- quite some avenues for fingerprinting of the hardware being used:
unavoidable without adding virtualization to the mix
- gives access to `machine-id`: in the current state of things, that
tells what exact version of Tails is running; depending on how
[[!tails_ticket 7100]] is addressed, this may become worse; such
access was allowed so that the browser can play sound with
PulseAudio (commit 371ba40 in our torbrowser-launcher Git repo);
if such access is denied, then Tor Browser plays sound directly
with Alsa, which makes UX worse... and breaks our automated tests.
We'll deal with that as part of [[!tails_ticket 7100]]. |